
Campus Preview Weekend happening April 11 to 14

Campus Preview Weekend (CPW) will take place from April 11 to 14 for 3.14 days. CPW is organized by the MIT Admissions Office in collaboration with campus academic offices, student organizations, dormitories, and living communities, and academic departments. Prospective MIT freshmen will arrive on campus for CPW and participate in a wide variety of social and informational events. 

The MIT Admissions Office will host many different events, including 45-minute campus tours led by current students, CPW Orientation, and Where Will I Live, where current students discuss their living communities.

Some events hosted by student groups include the “CPW Acapella Concert”, “an energetic night of music and joy” composed of short performances from each of MIT's ten acapella groups, the annual “Maseeh Waffle Night!”, where pre-frosh can immerse themselves in “unlimited Belgian waffles, chocolate, and strawberries,” and “Next Haunt”, which is advertised as follows— “Are you excited for Halloween? Yes, it's April, but ARE YOU EXCITED FOR HALLOWEEN? Or are you interested in spooky treats, clever tricks, and/or making new friends and winning with them? Then swing by Next Haunt, where we'll have tons of snacks and candy and puzzles to solve!”.
More information about CPW can be found here.