

The March 20 review of Duplicity incorrectly called the film’s director, Tony Gilroy, the director of the Bourne films. Gilroy is actually one of the Bourne films’ writers. The same article misspelled the lead actor’s last name twice. His name is Clive Owen, not “Owens.”

Because of an editing error, the photo of MIT Campus Police officer Joseph D’Amelio on the front page of the Tuesday, March 17 issue was incorrectly scaled about ten percent too wide.

A March 13 article on the Undergraduate Association Dining Proposal Committee misspelled Dean for Student Life Costantino Colombo’s name. His first name is Costantino, not Constantino.

A feature in the February 20 issue of The Tech on Sixth Sense, a wearable interface from the Media Lab, misquoted Pranav K. Mistry G. The original article included the term “head mountain projector” twice in a quote from Mistry. Mistry actually said “head mounted projector.”

The Tech’s April 15, 2008 editorial about the Undergraduate Association presidential election candidates used the wrong first name for one of the presidential candidates. It is Jason C. Forte ’09, not Justin.