

Tuesday’s Campus Life events calendar indicated the incorrect time for a talk by Jonathan E. D. Richmond PhD ’91 on corruption in developing countries. The talk will begin at 12:30 p.m., and lunch will begin at 12:15 p.m (W20-307).

That same events calendar incorrectly stated that LSC will show The King’s Speech this weekend; Good Will Hunting will still be shown on Friday and Sunday.

Additional content from campus life interview with Calvin C. Newport, published on Tuesday, is available on The Tech’s blog at techblogs.mit.edu.

An article on Tuesday concerning the possible changes occurring to the UA excluded the president of the Panhellenic Association in a list of officers who would comprise a new UA council. In addition to the Panhel president, that council would be made up of the 12 dormitory presidents, IFC president, LGC speaker, and an elected off-campus representative.