News weather

Sunny four day break

You know how you’re debating dropping that class after your first midterm? That indecisiveness is exactly what Thursday’s clouds are feeling: morning fog, a clear afternoon, and then clouds by night. Friday’s precipitation is in the same boat: 20% chance of rain. Ask your 18.600 friends for a more robust picture of what that probability means. 

If the rain and clouds are fogging your judgment, not to worry as the weekend is full of sun! Enjoy the sunny four day weekend, the closest thing we’re getting to a break this semester, which coincidentally coincides with when Fall is taking a break: prepare for the Winter level cold temperatures of ~45-55°F. (7-14°C). Don’t blame Fall too much: we all need a break!

Extended forecast:
Thursday: Mostly cloudy, but with a sunny afternoon. Northwest winds around 5-7 mph and igh around 71°F (21.5°C). 
Thursday night: Clouds with a low low around 57°F (14°C). Southwest winds around 7 mph. 
Friday: Mostly sunny with a 20% chance of rain. Southwest winds ~6-12 mph. High of 71°F (21.5°C) and a low of 45°F (7°C) 
Saturday: Mostly clear and sunny with a high of 56°F (13°C) and a low of 44*F (6.5°C). West winds ~8-10 mph. 
Sunday: Clear skies and sunny with west winds ~7-    10 mph. High of 60°F (15.5°C).