Advertising Information for Recruiters
- How do I submit an advertisement to The Tech?
- What will the price of an advertisement be?
- How are advertisements sized in The Tech?
- What are the common advertisement sizes?
- When does The Tech publish? When are special issues?
- What other advertising services does The Tech offer?
- How do I pay for an advertisement?
How to place an advertisement
The fastest and easiest way to place an advertisement with us is via email at We need the following information from you:
- Desired publication date(s)
- Desired size
- Contact information, including mailing address
- Billing preference (check or credit card — Please do NOT include credit card numbers in your email)
The deadline for advertisement submission, including artwork, is at 5 p.m. 3 days before the publication date. Artwork should be submitted either in image or PDF format; all images should be at least 220dpi. Late advertisements will incur a 10% surcharge.
If you are unsure about any of these items, please email us.
Advertisement Price Calculator
Ad Size | Width | Height | Special Placement? (+15%) | Color? (+$540) | Price |
Example Sizes:

Sizes are in columns wide by inches tall.
Please Note: The above price is for insertion in in one issue of The Tech.
The price is the best estimate we can provide automatically; it is not a guarantee. It may be different if you do not fall into this advertiser category, you submit the advertisement late (less than 3 days prior to publication), or for other reasons.
Advertisement Sizes
The Tech prints advertisements in 2 inch wide columns. Each page is 10 inches wide, so an advertisement may be anywhere from one to five columns wide. Additionally, pages are 16 inches tall; advertisements may be any number of inches tall.
Advertisements are billed based on the number of column-inches large they are. The rate for Recruiters is $18.00 per column-inch.
For example, an advertisement that is 3 columns (6 inches) wide by 8 inches tall (a quarter page) would be 24 column-inches and cost $432.00.
Common Advertisement Sizes
Size | Width | Height | Column-inches | Cost |
1/8 page | 4 Inches (2 col.) | 5 Inches | 10 | $180.00 |
1/4 page vertical | 6 Inches (3 col.) | 8 Inches | 24 | $432.00 |
1/4 page horizontal | 8 Inches (4 col.) | 6 Inches | 24 | $432.00 |
1/2 page vertical | 8 Inches (4 col.) | 10 Inches | 40 | $720.00 |
1/2 page horizontal | 10 Inches (5 col.) | 8 Inches | 40 | $720.00 |
Full page | 10 Inches (5 col.) | 16 Inches | 80 | $1440.00 |
Publication Calendar
Special Issues and Dates
- Spring Break: Spring vacation for MIT is the week of March 25–29. The Tech does not publish during the break.
- Campus Preview: Campus Preview (CPW) is a preview weekend for admitted students and their parents, and takes place from April 11–14. The Tech publishes a special edition on April 13.
- Commencement: The Tech publishes the day of commencement, making the issue a keepsake for thousands of graduates and their families. Commencement 2024 takes place on May 30–31.
- Orientation: The Tech publishes special issues during Orientation Week on August 22 and during the recruitment (rush) period for Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living Groups (FSILGs) on September 5.
- Back To School: Classes start on September 4. The Tech publishes the day after, on September 5.
Other Services and Options
Pre-Printed Inserts
Inserts placed in The Tech cost $2,000 for a single page insert and $2,500 for a multi-page insert. Inserts must be 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall or smaller.
If you have text you would like to run as an advertisement, our production department can make an advertisement for you. Typesetting costs $10 or 10% of the cost of your first advertisement; whichever is greater. Costs for more complicated advertisements (with pictures etc.) are negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Payment for Advertisements
We accept payment for advertisements either by check or credit card. Credit card payments are made online here; checks can be mailed to
The Tech Business Department
PO Box 391529
Cambridge, MA 02139-7029
Proof of Publication
The Tech provides proof of publication to advertisers. Advertisements placed may be viewed online as a PDF in our issue archive. If you would like a physical tearsheet of your advertisement, please specify what kind of tearsheet you'd like (full tear, full issue, etc.)